Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hillsborough River

Seems like every time there's a Tropical Storm, I kayak the Hillsborough River.  July, Debbie, September, Issac, today, Sandy.  The first two were in the Gulf, so they filled the Hillsborough with rain.  Sandy was far off the Atlantic coast, and other then a few inches of rain in Daytona on Friday,  had little lasting effects here.
Launched at 10:17 from Trout Creek Park.
In September, water was over the pier.
Ibis and juvenile blue heron.
Great egret

First alligator of the day.
Blue heron
 Roseate spoonbill

Wood storks in flight
This wood stork almost received first photo honors.
I think the only place where I've seen more wood storks than I did today is the Myakka River.
Another hog
Belted kingfisher
Green heron
Morris Bridge, 12:08.  I saw just two other boats.  Two guys fishing in a motorized canoe near Trout Creek, and  jon boat just downstream of Morris Bridge.
In September, I paddled over this bank into a picnic area at Morris Bridge Park.
Pileated woodpecker
Ibis lined the Hillsborough for most of the day.

Black crowned night heron.
I wondered if a tree was down, as I had the River upstream from Morris Bridge for myself for a substantial amount of time.  Eventually, a trickle of paddlers came down River.  The largest group, 5 or 6 kayakers.
Juvenile black crowned night heron.
Sargeant Park.  I padded into the Flint River for another alligator photo.
Before landing just after 2 for a lunch break.
The Hillsbourgh is great with the three parks, Trout Creek, Morris Bridge, and Sargeant, spaced at about 4 mile intervals.  Note, the bubbler at Sargeant is gone, I refilled my water bottle in the sink.
Out of the canal, returning to the Hillsborough River for the down River paddle
Shake a tail feather
To big for the frame
The gator in the opening pic. That was taken on the way up River.
 After high water cut down the wildlife sightings my last two visits, it was great to see the alligators and wide variety of birds back on the Hillsborough.

Red shouldered hawk
I think I saw two kayakers and one fishing boat by the time I returned to Morris Bridge. Time, 4:04. I kept going.

Back to where I started.  The launch at Trout Creek Park, 5:43 PM. I saw no one between Morris Bridge and Trout Creek Parks. A fine day, high in the low 70's, moderate humidity, and wind.