Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rock Springs Run, Wekiwa Springs State Park

A full day began with launching the kayak at 8:45. Had I been prepared I would have had a deer picture on the way to the parking lot, not waiting until I was on the water, where the opening pic was taken.  Instead, I was sipping coffee when the deer emerged from the trees on my left.  I put the mug down as it ambled in front of me, then ran as I reached for the camera.

Got to tell Joanne B. I'd keep my new paddle.

 My camera, which for no reason I can figure out, fails to get a photo half the time I press the shutter, came through when I needed it.

2 deer

I  was going to turn back at my usual spot, up Run from the Big Buck campsite.  But, a group of six kayakers came downstream.  I pointed out an alligator and asked if anyone else was at Kings Landing when they left. No.   I went up Run for another 10 minutes before turning around. It was 11:04

 Back on the Wekiva

 Landed at 10 after one.  I like to eat lunch halfway up the hill, on the deck outside the little museum. But, workers were blowing leaves off the roof, onto the deck, so I dined on the stairs.
Ham and cheese consumed, I had the strength to tackle the remainder of the climb, and load the kayak.
 Unload the bike, pedal to Sand Lake.
I wanted to walk to Rock Springs Run.  First, I walked around the lake.  Unintentionally. The trailhead is at the monument side, dummy.  Me, not you, dear reader.  Found the trail, but after a few hundred yards, it was wet.  So, I set out the other way, to Lake Prevatt

 There were paddles and PFDs.   Would anyone mind if I dragged it to the Lake? I did not.

 2 deer burst out of the woods, on to the trail in front of me, one leaped to the left, the other right.
Quicker than the camera and I.
 The wily gopher tortoise did not escape my view

Took a break at the Camp Cozy horse camp site.  Sat down earlier, on a bench on the trail.  Hey, I'm old and fat.
 Back to Sand Lake, more than two hours since I left.  Another break at a picnic table before getting on the bike.  Which was rattling, so I stopped in a shady spot.
Which the tortise found first.  Air in the back tire solved the rattle.

Summer weather is still here, but summer crowds are gone. So, I cooled off in the Springs.

Most activity was at the main vent

 Nice day during the Packers bye week.  At the light on Wekiva Springs Road and State Road 434
Foreshadowing where I will be in  weeks.