Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Launched from the Chassahowitzka Campground at 9:40. $5 parking. 
On past fall trips, I have seen manatees in the shade on the opposite side of the ramp and dock.
Helps to know where to look.


Down the Chass




Pie billed grebe


I saw something furry in a tree and thought, have monkeys invaded Chassahowitzka?

No,  raccoons.

Meanwhile, across the River






Everything so far was before I reached the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge
The sign that opens this Tale.  It was 10:50.

 Just like I know manatees like the shade on the other side of the boat ramp, I know they also can be found just before Crawford Creek
 Especially when food is caught on crab trap floats.

 Crawford Creek



Houses, obviously I was out of the Refuge.  And had been for awhile.

The current was too fast and water too shallow to paddle past the houses and check out the springs that are the source of Crawford Creek.
 I turned around.


 Took a pee stop. Left leg out of the kayak, sinking in the loose bottom.


 Getting fancy.  Residents used to hang a metal plate for target practice.


 Returning to the Chass
Went back up River





 The houseboat, which has been here since I have been kayaking the Chass, is falling now into the River.
I have only been coming here since 2005.  In  that time, this sailboat, with its windows blocked, or I should, whited out, has always been moored in the same spot. Not today.

 Entering Potter Creek



 Stream flow gauge

Ruth Spring


Ruth Springs Run
Snapper in Potter Springs





Out of Potter Creek, back to the Chassahowitka River


The shallow, less traveled side of the Chass




Back to the launch were dumb people tried to touch the manatee mother and calf.

I paddled to the beautiful little springs up River of Chassahowitzka Spring.


The petters left.  I enjoyed the manatees.

Nose flaps open
I recognize the circle.  I have seen her before.

 No manatees were touched during this encounter.

But for a hungry child suckling.
Landed at 4:12.  A full day, ended with a breast feeding manatee.  I call that a good day.