Saturday, January 31, 2015

Weeki Wachee

On the canal at Rogers Park in Weeki Wachee at 7:45 AM

Short paddle to the Weeki Wachee River

Began to paddle up stream

 Manatees at Hospital Hole.  A sink hole in the River
Held the camera under water. A bit chilly, and I had plans to swim later.
 Mama thought I was too close    She was right.  The current was pushing me.


Mama had calves on both sides

 6, maybe 8, manatees at the Hole

I resumed the up River paddle


 The ibis and wood storks were near the tree climbing alligator.  People who have paddled the Weeki Wachee know what I am talking about.


 As I was waking up, I turned on my weather radio.  There was a special notice to mariners about a launch at Cape Canaveral.  Vessels are warned to stay out of the area, as booster rockets will fall.
This looks like a launch to me.  However, I can find no news about it.  There was a launch on January 31, 2015, but from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.   Was this some secret payload?

A robin was feeding on the berries.  Preparing for the journey north

Peacocks at the Weeki Wachee State Park kayak launch

10:51, I had to turn around

 State Park tour boat

I had to time my pace to stay ahead of people behind me, but not catch up to those in front of me.  The upstream paddle had been blissfully uncrowned, just 4 or five boats, all paddlers, until the crowds grew as I got close to the State Park launch



The Weeki Wachee  has the prettiest water of any river I paddle

 The moment before the dive
 A great egret joined the ibis and woodstorks





Back at Rogers Park, 12:44

I kept paddling


Under this bridge takes you to where there are homes on just one side of the channel

And a stream from the right, takes you to the Mud River

 The Weeki Wachee, Mud, confluence
 Returning up the Weeki Wachee



Landed at 2:15

 Swimming in Weeki Wachee Spring at 2:55








 Patience is a virtue waiting for a resting manatee to take a breath

There was just one manatee. And one human.

It was between mermaid shows.  The curtain was drawn.  I think they should keep it open all the time so people can view the spring from under water.

 I stayed the night at a Quality Inn.
I have stayed at the Quality Inn in Weeki Wachee before.  But, that time it was across Highway 19 from Weeki Wachee Springs.  That building is now a Motel 6.   It did not have, and still lacks, a fridg and microwave.  The new Quality Inn, on Highway 50, has both.  Not a new building, it was a different brand.

 A great view.