Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blue Spring State Park

Walking to the swim entrance, 8:30, Sunday morning. The above pic is sitting on the steps.  Must still be manatees in the Run, as swimming is banned downstream of the sign
 Swimming up the Run. It was hard.  Either I am getting weaker, or the Run had a stronger flow. Probably the latter.
 Reached forward, grabbing logs, and pulled myself forward for a boost.

No manatees seen.
 Just gar.
 Out of the water, to the kayak
 On the St. Johns River at 9:30.
 Into Blue Spring Run

Main swim area was closed. Work being done on the steps going up from the dock.  Not the stairs in the photo.
 Not to mention, a few manatees in the Run
 Calf close to mother.



 The stairs where I entered the water



Back on the St. Johns.

Eagle finding tip.  A confluence can be a good place.  More fish.



 Entering Snake Creek

 Palm Sunday




Stopped for lunch

 The second half of the Publix sub I bought on Saturday.  Online ordering is a wonderful thing.
It is April 24 2015 as  compose this.   I have the same weekend work schedule as I had back in March, so I will be ordering a sub from work and pick it up on the way to where ever I go on April 25.
 Back on Snake Creek

 A piece pink of trash in the duck weed.  I picked it up
The Easter Bunny!
 Entering the Hontoon Dead River
 Which is very much alive


 Chicks in the nest?
 Into the first canal linking the Hontoon and St. Johns Rivers
 I had to turn around.   Thick weeds, not shown, blocked passage

 Canal #2

 Out to the St. Johns

Pie billed grebe




 Back to Blue Spring Run


Landed at 2:4
 Parts of the boardwalk are undergoing repairs
 As is the Thursby House.  The 19th century homestead on top of an Indian Mound.

Left the Park at 3:45.