Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lake Maitland

20 minutes on Lake Maitland after work. Made it 22 days in the kayak in May. Shattering the prior record of 20 in July, 2014. Stupid lightning chased be off the water in just 20 minutes.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Sugarloaf Lodge to Galdin Key Or, maybe Johnston Key

The key off the bow as I came out of the main channel. It would prove interesting.

 First, To the Bat Tower!

Launching from the Sugarloaf Lodge
 Magnificent frigate bird

 First roosting great frigate bird I have seen outside of the Cedar Keys

 More frigate birds.
 As I add these 9 months later, I had forgotten I saw them

Headed home. With one kayak on the roof.  Came down with two.

 I gave one to Monica.  Figured with 4 in the garage (plus one with a unpatchable leak)  I could spare it.  And have one at hand in case I ever fly down.

 Took Card Sound to avoid holiday traffic.  And told myself, next time I am taking Tuesday off.
As I finish this Tale on 2-23-17, my request for PTO, the day after Memorial Day, 2017, was approved earlier this week