Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Lake Fairview

On the water at 6:30.

A gas can was their first.
I brought it to the dock
Eight person, plus coxswain, scull. I told them it made my 16 foot kayak feel puny.


Landed at 7:39

The gas can was in the back of the truck when I landed. From several yards away, I asked if it was his, or if he was just doing the right thing. He did not hear me as he picked up some more trash. I walked up to him (Covid distance), and said. "I was asking if the gas can is yours, but I can see you are just doing the right thing." He still did not hear me. Turns out, he is deaf. Through gestures, and my talking slowly so he could read my lips. we communicated. He told me about a big snake that was at the landing just before I came in.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Lake Baldwin

On the water at 6:44.  Lake Baldwin has access at one place, Lake Baldwin Park.  Infernal, I mean, internal combustion motors are not allowed.  My kind of place.

I was the only human on the lake.


The former Orlando Naval Training Center. Now a trendy residential and shopping district.

Landed at 7:38