Sunday, October 31, 2021


Walking to the Gulf at 7:29 AM
Rudy turnstone

Here comes the sun
Do do do do do
It's all right

High winds and seas the last few days left interesting things on the beach. Like a bleached out sea turtle shell. Not exactly what the Sanibel Stoopers are looking for.

I walked past the fishing pier

Reddish egret, below.

Not sure what these little guys are.  Sandpipers? Plovers?


After almost an hour on the beach and more walk, time for breakfast.

I had gone on my walk before Pete and Jackie. They came back, Pete had his breakfast, then the two of us headed to Ding Darling. 
White pelicans from Wildlife Drive
On the water from a crowded, at least 8 vehicles, Launch Site 2.

Bald eagle

We saw about 3 manatees at various during the paddle. No photos.

Video by Pete

Pete declined to follow me into "the brambles" to look for roseate spoonbills.
He did go into the mangroves on Saturday, when we did not see any spoonbills.

Pair of spoonbills

This is why the secret spoonbill spot is, secret.

Back at the launch.  Just short of 3 hours on the water.
Lunch in the condo
Bike ride

Iguanas at Periwinkle Park
The lizards are free range.  Parrots,  caged.

Old Cemetary

Bike safety video. Helmet, and hand signals

Did not want Pete running into me when I stopped on a bridge.

Back to the condo
There has been a gopher tortoise under the boardwalk for years. This is a new one.  Closer to the pool 
After cooling down in the pool, I took a last look at the Gulf before heading home.
I will be back in December. If not sooner.