Saturday, December 22, 2007

Econlockatachee River

Saturday, December 22, 2007 I dipped the paddle in the Econlockhatachee River for a brief, (less than 3 hour) paddle. It was short because I worked one job from 8 to noon and the second from 6 to 10. Thinking of quitting the 2nd.

I launched from the Snow Hill Road Bridge. I have not done so since my first visit to the Econ, in April, 2005. My usual Econ paddle includes a car/bike shuttle. If you have not read about that, click the November link to the left. The weather was cool, maybe high sixties, and cloudy. The sun came out after I turned around after paddling about an hour twenty upstream. Saw only one turtle, no alligators. I often see bald eagles on this trip, none today. That's red shouldered hawk above. I also saw blue and Great Blue Herons, anhingas, vultures, belted kingfishers and red winged black birds. Not a lot of variety, but its always good to be on the water.

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