Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rainbow River

This picture is the first of 4 I took in the swim area at Rainbow Springs State Park on Saturday, August 24, 2008. The fourth picture was the last of the day. Water entered the case, and the camera is not working. The good news is, I was able to download the pictures using my old camera. The case is fine, I must have failed to seal it properly. I conducted an experiment putting the case in the sink with a tissue inside. The Kleenex is dry. So I can continue with my underwater pictures. The problem with the old camera is the video screen is kaput. So no menus, no screen view. I'l l just point and shoot like the pre-digital era and see what develops, er downloads. Guess I know where part of my economic stimulus check is going.

A report is posted on the Green Wave Forum.

The camera had to take on water when I was at the farthest distance from the entry point. I though of opening the case there, in the water, but then how would I get it back to shore ? Holding it above my head as i swam would be to risky. That is what I did, but still inside the case. When I arrived at the dock and took the camera out, there was not much water, but enough to muck things up. Oh well. Here are a few more of the last pictures from SD600

Not only did the camera break, but I lost my Green Bay Packer World Champions Cap. It came off as I ducked under a log going up the Rainbow Swamp Run. It stuck on an underwater branch. I figured, I'd get it on the way back, as it was on the other side of the log I had just struggle to duck under. Alas, upon my return, it was gone, swept away by the current.


  1. I like your picture of the fish swimming under water. Keep swimming with the fishes.

  2. Thanks. I will keep swimming, and paddling, and best of all, taking underwater pictures. To paraphrase a writer who wrote a thing or two about rivers, the news of my camera's death was exaggerated.


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