Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rock Springs Run

The forecast called for afternoon rain across the Florida peninsula, so I chose my inclement weather location for Saturday's paddle, Rock Springs Run. I arrived at Wekiwa Springs State Park 10 minutes before the gate opened at 8:00, and was on the water at 8:20 .

As you can see, the weather was beautiful to start the day. The trio of birds are swallow tailed kites, the other, a green heron. All roosting on the edge of the broad open area just off the launch. My first time seeing swallowtail kites roosting, thus my first swallowtail kite picture. They are magnificent in flight, the posture I had seen them in, prior to today.

I took it easy downstream on the Wekiva to the confluence with Rock Springs Run, then began the upstream journey. A large deer browsed the bushes, Run left, than ran into the tree line before I could get a better picture.
The deer was the only one I saw. Spotted 3 otters, six alligators, lots of turtles, ibis, limpkins, blue yellow crowned and great blue herons, osprey, belted kingfishers, pileated woodpeckers, wood ducks, vultures, hawks, turkey, and others. No people until past the half way point, then about 2o paddlers. I paddled past Kings Landing until a downed sapling blocked the way, it was noon, 3 hours 40 minutes paddling time. I turned around. Spent more time on the downstream portion, total time on the water was eight hours. The rain increased as I put the yak on the roof, with thunder. No swim in the Spring.

The above paragraph, after the deer photo is in place of text interwoven with pictures. Stupid blogger both the program and me, leaves big gaps. I was trying to delete them, and deleted most of the post. So, I'll just add pictures here.

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