Saturday, May 31, 2008

Haulover Canal Lift Off !

May 31, 2008, Space Shuttle Discovery. My fourth time seeing a launch from the yak, first time since Dave's Yak Tales began in October, '07. A great day. I was in the water at 12:45. T minus 4 plus hours. I began by paddling into the Indian River from the launch site. I made my way north, then came back and headed to Mullet Head Island, storng east wind behind me. The forecast of 5-10 knot winds and a light chop was inaccurate.

I counted twenty one rosette spoonbills on the backside of Mullet Head Island. By far the most I have ever seen from my kayak. Very possible more than I have ever seen in one flock, anywhere. It's possible there were more, but their camoflague isn't to good, so I think I counted all within my line of sight.

Pelicans and cormorants also too advantage of the Refuge.



Fishing in the Canal was quite good.

The redfish was a bit too big for the dolphin shown between my yak and the second boat.

I traversed the Canal, entered the Mosquito Lagoon, gazed south to the distant launch pad. the went north, encoutering anothe dolphin and a manatee before seeking shelter behind a series of islands. Back to the Canal, to Bairs Cove. Four manatees taking it easy. I left as a large tour group came in, but not before telling a father and son where to look for manatees. I saw about ten all day. Here are a some great birds, egret and blue heron.

Additional avain sightings inclued blue heron, green heron and osprey. The most impressive bird was the Shuttle. Rising in a pillar of fire and smoke, thundering overhead

In two minutes, diaapperaing into the void of space.


A sampling of Shuttle aficionados. A small sample, there were more kayakers watching then I have seen in my three prior launches. Lots of folks must have viewed from land. Three plus hours after launch, traffic crawled from several miles east of the 50/ 520 merge, almost to the East West Expressway. The only downer to the day.

I also have a report on Green Wave.


  1. Excellent pictures, I had not thought of sitting in the yak for a launch,will have to try it sometime.

  2. Do it soon. I think there are 9 flights left before the shuttle fleet is retired. Best thing about the yak view- if the mission is canceled, you are in the yak, not a car with thousands of others.


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