Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hillsborough River

It's great to be back in Florida, where more birds can be seen on a single tree, than during a week on the Outer Banks. Ibis, limpkin and blue heron (lower left) here.

Photos are with my old camera. The water level on the Hillsborough is up quite a bit, as this shot shows.

No bicycles, indeed. This is a hiking trail that wends along the River from Morris Bridge Park. There also is a bike trail, higher up, on an old logging road.

I started at Trout Creek, pushing off at 10:50.

I timed my upstream paddle perfectly, arriving at John Sargeant Park as the last rentals of the day left. After a bite to eat, I headed downstream. There were not many paddlers on the River. Not many more than the 10 or so gators I spotted. No good gator pictures. Here's a turtle.

It's August, hot and steamy, birds aren't as abundant as in the cooler months. In addition to the above trio, I saw anhingas, great egrets, great blue herons,

and vultures, lots of vultures at Nature's Classroom. I also saw a bald eagle, first time on the Hillsborough. I finished at 6 pm, a seven hour day. A last wildlife sighting on the drive out of Trout Creek. An immense wild pig. Looked four feet tall at the shoulders, black as night, and fast, seeing me, running across the road, jumping through a fence, and rambling on.


  1. I wondering: Do they have hunting season on wild pigs? And/or, did you not get a pic (sounds like not, speedy as that little varmint is).

  2. Yes, they are hunted. No, I did not get a picture. Unable to get the carmera out in time as I drove along the Park Road. Porky was a speedy varmint.


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