Sunday, September 14, 2008

DeLeon Springs

Visited Deleon Springs State Park this Sunday morning, September 14, 2008 for the first time since April. My usual paddle across the northern edge of Spring Garden Lake, into Spring Garden Creek and the Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge to Lake Woodruff was cut short by the mass of vegetation pictured above. I had been paddling for an hour when forced to turn back. No I know why no motorboats were on the Creek.

Spring Garden Lake , Creek and Lake Woodruff are part of the St Johns River. The St Johns is still above flood state three weeks after Tropical Storm Fay.

Here I am returning to the launch site. Click on the photo for a larger view. The brown sign in front of the canoes is usually well on shore. The green thing hanging from the sign is a hose for washing off the yak-once it is, in normal times, on dry land. The vehicle is property of the tour boat captain-he had to drive through a bit of water to get in and out. I asked him how high the water was at its peak. He said the waterfall was completely covered, just the current was visible.

So, the level has receded somewhat.

Here is how it looked in February

The high water level made wildlife viewing a challenge. No banks for wading birds to pace or gators to sun. Here is a sample of what I did see.

In addition to the pictured blue heron, great blue heron, alligator and osprey, I saw great egrets, snowy egrets, green herons, morhens and lots of leaping fish. Swimming fish too.

The Spring was packed this hot September Sunday. I was a bit surprised to see any fish among the commotion in the Spring pool.

These are just in front of the bars that prevent swimmers from shooting over the waterfall. When there is a waterfall.

Thanks to the blocked Creek, I saw more of the Packer game then I would have otherwise. I had gator tail at Gators Dockside in DeLand. Saw gator, ate gator at Gators. Score was 21-0 Pack when I sat down. It got to 25-24 Lions. Oh oh.

Final 48-25 Packers.

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