Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run

I did not have to go to work today, Thursday, September 4, 2008 until 11:30, so I thought I'd do a quick Winter Park Chain of Lakes paddle. But, after receiving a report Wednesday that a manatee had been spotted just off the launch area at Wekiwa Springs State Park I had to go there. I saw a manatee in the Spring last Thursday, but as on Saturday and Sunday, I was not so fortunate today.

The water level is still high, but dropping. No rain yet in September. The downed tree, that I wrote Sunday would be a problem as the water dropped if not removed, had been sawed in half. I was in the Wekiva about 8 am. Searched the lagoon area for a manatee or two, then downstream to Rock Springs Run.

Lots of herons, blue mostly, including young white blue herons, and tri colred as here, green heron, great blue, ibis and great egrets.

And limpkins.

This one is where I turned back, at the 2 miles to Kings Landing Takeout sign.

Back to the Wekiva, I took a photo of a blue heron

then saw this fella nearby.

Back to the lagoon, I lingered, hoping to see a manatee, an historic event thanks to the high waters, but had to settle for a turtle.

And turkeys as I landed at 9:30.

After dragging the yak up the hill and securing it to the car, I had a relaxing swim in the empty Spring. Hoping one of the wayward manatees would make a visit, but alas, saw none, even as I peered under the bridge separating the swim area.

Got to work on time, a nice way to start the day. The only cloud is the busted view screen on my camera. Taking photos is a matter of guesswork. I've done a bit of research, and it looks like I can get a Canon Powershot SD 650 on ebay for not much more than it would cost to fix it. I need the SD650 as my waterproof case is built for it. If any reader has moved up, and has a SD650 you are not using, maybe I can make you an offer.

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