Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rock Springs Run

Took the new camera to the old favorite, Rock Springs Run, today, Sunday, October 12, 2008. Up late last night, not late enough to see the end of the Ray's game, plus I had some personal business to attend to, so I got a late start, in the water just before 10:30. I had an idea of going up Run for two hours, then coming back. I changed my mind. I went up stream for just over three hours, turning back at the "Welcome" sign.

Scenes from the way up.

Blue heron, ibis, turtle.

With the late start, I passed a few adventurous types going upstream. One couple in a Park rental canoe was almost to Otter Camp. I congratulated them on the effort. Earlier, another couple was coming downstream in rental kayaks from Wekiwa Springs. "Bet you were in line when the concession opened", I said. "We were"

I began to encounter paddlers coming from Kings Landing, just before the Big Buck campsite. Perhaps twenty boats in all, most yellow canoes from Kings Landing. I'd ask each group how many were behind, and the answer usually was "Not many", or, "None". A solo kayaker told me she was the last one, the last rental of the day had gone out. I saw that last rental, which turned out to going out and back from Kings Landing.

Those folks, a couple in an inflatable yak that also went out and back and a couple with a screaming kid who paddled up a mile or so from Wekiva Marina were the only people I saw on downstream paddle.

Here are the pictures.

The yellow butterflies with the tiger stripes are common, I've posted pics of the eastern tiger swallowtail before. Never, however have I seen the pumpkin orange and sky blue markings in such detail. I like my new camera.

Here's a 50 second video. Apology in advance if you can't download it.

I landed just past six, passing this alligator hiding in the hydrilla. Downstream, going slow after the hard work of paddling upstream, plus a lunch break, was over an hour longer than the upstream voyage

Got the yak on the car, swam through the minnows in the Spring.

Photo taken with the old, old camera, SD450.

I've gone a week or so with out mentioning the lingering effects of Tropical Storm Fay. This is the "Wet to Dry" boardwalk.

A bit more "wet" these days.

A full moon had risen, time to go home.


  1. Hey Dave-- love the video! It's great to hear the birds and water.

  2. Thanks, Arlo. I know you never hear birds or water--hee hee. Folks, check out the Key West Literary Seminar link. Mr Haskell has quite the collection of literary insights, interviews and interests from a Conch perspective.


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