Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Winter Park Chain, Maitland

I got a 90 minute paddle in this Tuesday morning, October 7, 2008. My plan was to go south from the Lake Maitland Park ramp across that Lake into Winter Park and Lakes Osceola, Virginia, and Mizell. But conditions had me reset course.

At 8:55 am, it was already windy. Lake Maitland is the largest lake on the Winter Park Chain. The canal from Lake Maitland to Lake Minihaha is the longest in the Chain, 1/2 mile. It made sense to paddle the short distance to the shelter of the canal, pictured on top of this Tale, instead of venturing across the open water.

On Lake Minihaha, a lake in the middle of suburbia, I saw more, and a wider variety of birds in ninety minutes than I spotted during eight hours in the Juniper Wilderness, Saturday. Great egrets, great blue heron, anhingas, cormorants, belted kingfishers, tri colored heron, wood ducks, some sort of diving duck, ibis, and moorhens. Here a few of them.


  1. This lookslike an interesting paddle. Could you give me the location? Thanks Gail and Norm

  2. I put in at Fort Maitland Park, 17-92 in Maitland, just north of Lake Street, on the east side of the road. You can also put in at Dinky Dock PArk in Winter Park, off Fairbanks at Ollie. (Near the library) This is a weekday, or early morning weekend paddle- before the water skiers and jet skiers get out


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