Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rock Springs Run

After getting out in the kayak 14 days in November (I have 16 posts from November, but two did not involve kayaking, although both took place at kayaking locations, swimming with manatees in Blue Spring Run, and watching the Space Shuttle launch at, not in, Haulover Canal) I had my first paddle of December this morning, December 4, 2008 on Rock Springs Run. A three hour paddle before work at 12:30. Out at 7:40 with the warm water and cool air forming a mist. Not to cool, I had swim suit, long sleeve shirt under a T. Warm enough that a gator lolled on the surface in the lagoon area just off the launch.

This photo is from the end of the paddle, the gator, it it was the same one, now on the other side of the lagoon.

In between alligators, here is some of what I saw.

I think the two doe photos are the same deer, seen both up and down the run, I saw one more deer, a buck. Too far away for a photo. Neat to watch its antlered head bobbing up and down through the emergent vegetation before disappearing into the forest.

The birds pictured on this Tale, so far, blue heron, ibis, great egret, limpkin, great blue heron. I also saw osprey, red shouldered hawk, pileated woodpecker, belted kingfishers and

green heron.

A nice morning on Rock Springs Run and the Wekiva.

And in the water. I had time for a brief snorkel in Wekiwa Spring,

I had the Spring to myself. Paddling, I encountered two other canoes near the end of my paddle. Nothing like getting out early on a weekday morning.

A nice start to December. Looking at my calender, December has the potential of matching November as a 14 yak month. Stay tuned.

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