Sunday, January 18, 2009

DeLeon Springs

I went to Deleon Springs State Park today, Sunday, January 18, 2009 for the first time since September 14, 2008. I have so many great places to go, this spot, where I see alligators,


and bald eagles, I can go four monthe between visits. Unable to get a photo of two bald eagles, one not yet white headed, that flew overhead. The manatee was the only one I saw, the gator the only live one.

The Spring Garden Creek vultures need to get on the ball. I passed this carcass on the way to Lake Woodruff, and again on the way back.

If my memory is correct, which is no sure thing, I've seen glossy ibis at two places, Spring Garden Lake and Creek, and the Myakka River. Spotted several today.

There are a lot of coots on this paddle. Not folks my age, these white beaked fowl.

Here are more birds seen as I paddled across Spring Garden Creek, down Spring Garden Creek to Lake Woodruff.

Snowy egret, tri colored heron, great blue heron, another tri color, black crowned night heron. Saw about 5 black crowned in an old canal marked by an old tree about halfway down the Creek.

I did not go all the way to Lake Woodruff, about 3.5 miles, but turned around just before entering the big water, where it was windy and choppy. Made the usual stop at Pontoon Landing. Still called that, although the pontoon has been at Hontoon Island State Park for the last few years. Got out for a walk.

Signs of fire. I wonder if it was natural, or a prescribed burn, set by the Refuge personnel to clear out fuel to prevent a greater conflagration.

Back in September, I did not make it all the way down Creek. A massive mat of vegetation blocked the channel. No problem today. Here are the return trip photos.

American bittern, ibis with great egret, blue heron with alligator, female anhinga, ibis with tri colored heron.

I returned to the Spring area about 1:30, the paddle began at 10. I looked for, and found one manatee. Good deal for it, having the place to itself, while south on the St Johns system probably 100 or so sea elephants are crowding Blue Spring.

Of course manatees can't enter the actual Spring at DeLeon.

Back in September, the waterfall was a trickle, after Tropical Storm Fay's floods.

I landed, got the yak on the car, then snorkeled. DeLeon Spring was as clear as I have ever seen it. Only two other people in the water. A lot more fish then on a crowded summer Sunday.

Small panfish, bigger ones can't fit through the grate where the water flows out over the waterfall.

I've seen otters in the Spring, but they come over the concrete walkway.

I finished my visit with a late pancake lunch. Cooked myself. On a tabletop griddle at the Old Spanish Sugar Mill. I have not done this since the first time I kayked at DeLeon Springs State Park, in a rental in February, 2005. That was the first time I saw a manatee from a yak. Here are my stone ground mix flapjacks.

With pecans and blueberries. The pancakes looked as you see them for quite some time. My griddle wasn't working. The staff changed the thermostat. It began to smell like an electrical fire. I moved to the next table. Eventually, I ate.

The griddles get heavy use. When I arrived at the Park, a sign at the entrance station indicated an hour and a half wait. So people wander the grounds, swim, and wait until they hear "Jones, party of 4". I had no wait, and told the hostess I was kind of disappointed that I could not leave my name as "Oxymoron". She gave me a confused look. The waitress who led me to my table said she got it. I'm sure you do to.

Here's the view.

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