Sunday, March 8, 2009

Canaveral National Seashore

I went to the Canaveral National Seashore, Sunday, March 8, 2009. The above picture was taken at Castle Windy. A beautiful day, but windy, strong out of the south. That made it a short trip, three hours from noon to three. Lots of folks visiting the Seashore, just one parking space left at the launch parking lot. I paddled south in Mosquito Lagoon, instead of my usual north bound route. That way I had the wind at my back on the return.

I thought manatees may have returned to the Lagoon, but I did not see any. In addition to the pelicans, gulls and cormorants pictured above, I saw osprey great blue herons, great egrets, and belted kingfishers. And these ducks.

As I took a break at Castle Windy, four folks came to the shore, having walked the trail from the Atlantic beach. "See any dolphins ?" "Not yet " I saw two shortly after I got back in the water.

One is in the above photo.

Not a lot of wildlife, but its always good to be on the water. I still had the bike on the car from yesterday at Blue Spring, so I had a very short, 2 mile ride on the Eldora Loop Road. With a stop to check out the beach. On the way out, a visit to the Eldora State House and a walk on a short trail behind the 19th century homestead.

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