Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rock Springs Run

March came in like an angry alligator thrashing its tail. Wet and windy. Perfect for an uncrowded Sunday on Rock Springs Run. The wind, over 20 mph all day, came out of the west. Wekiwa Springs State Park is north of my home. I had to pull over after a gust shifted the yak. The Park is only 15 miles away, I would not have risked a longer drive.

I was in the water just after 10:30, after carrying, instead of dragging the yak down the hill.

The layer of sand and dirt has been removed, along with the underlying plastic netting. Replaced with small pavers. The man at the concession said it has been seeded with rye grass. Should be interesting to see how it turns out. As you can see at the top of the photo, the seeds are being watered.

Herons, great, blue, and green, on the way to Rock Springs Run, and an ibis.

I paddled up Rock Springs Run until 1:00, going 40 minutes past Big Buck Camp. It rained, not hard. I encountered a group coming down Run after camping at Otter Camp. The Buffalo Tram Campsite was occupied. I saw no other people on the way upstream. No deer either, and just one alligator.

Photos from the down Run trip.

No more than four other paddlers as I got back to the Wekiva River. More avian life.

I landed at 4:15. Another fine Sunday at Wekiwa Springs State Park.


  1. Hi Dave,
    Great site! It makes me want to drop out of civilization and just wander around kayaking wherever I feel like it. To help some newbies out, it might be helpful to post maplinks (?)
    Have a good one!

    - Leann

  2. Leann, it takes me way to long just to put the pictures and write the Tales. Learning how to post map links would take away time from paddling. There is a solution. Click the Green Wave Forum link. I've posted reports on all my favorite places there. Most reports have map links. Mapquest and Google Earth.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.