Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rock Springs Run


As I drove through the gate at Wekiwa Springs State Park this morning, Saturday, March 21, 2009. I realized I left the camera at home. I briefly thought of going home to retrieve it, but that would defeat the purpose of getting out of bed and to the Park early. Which is, get out before anyone but wildlife is out and about.

I was on the Wekiva River at 7:30. No clouds, no wind. Looking out my window now, 3 pm, the palm fronds are swaying, but I don't think the forecast 20mph wind has arrived.

Down the Wekiva to Rocks Springs Run. Paddled up the Run until 10 am, than turned around. A short trip, figured without the camera may as well get home and watch some hoops. Too bad the Warriors and Badgers aren't playing today.

Campers were at Otter and Indian Mound. I did not see my first downstream canoers until I was upstream of the Big Buck Campsite. To the first party I said, "You must have been waiting for them to open" "We were". The second canoe I saw just before 10, my planned turn around time. I took it easy on the way back so not to overtake them. Saw a deer on the left bank between Indian Mound and Big Buck. I would not have been able to get a picture, it was too far way, disappearing into the woods.

Bird list: Blue heron, great blue heron, tri colored heron, yellow crowned night heron, ibis, great egret, belted kingfisher, red shouldered hawk, osprey, barred owl, swallowtail kite. limpkins, anhingas, mallards, wood ducks, unseen woodpeckers tapping, and, as always, vultures.

Turtles under the clear water and later, sunning on logs. One alligator, in the algae on the right side of the lagoon.

Two deer, mother and yearling. Possibly the same two picture in this Tale
In the same general area, today upstream of Buffalo Tram. Could have had several good shots, as I sat in the yak, the deer 10 yards away, raised my hands in an imaginary camera saying, "click, click , click, click" until the deer slowly moved on.
I now began to encounter folks coming up stream from the Park and Wekiva Marina. Back to the Wekiva, the Saturday crowds were building. I landed, at 12:45. Dragged, then carried the yak over the new pavers, the planted rye grass is coming through, not to much, we need rain, than dragged it across the lose dirt up the remainder of the hill to the car.
No snorkel, the Spring looked crowded. In a few weeks, crowded or not, I'll be taking advantage of the Spring to cool off.
I just put the camera in the car, so tomorrow, from a yet to be determined location, I'll have photos.

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