Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lake Maitland and Lake Minnehaha

It was hard to choose which picture to open this Tale.

A pleasant dilemma. And, an unexpected guest.

The same two lakes I paddled last Wednesday, but a different course. In Lake Maitland just before 9, east, than south, following the curve of the Lake.

Past anhingas and coots, to the south end of Lake Maitland and Kraft Azalea Gardens.

Where I found these wood ducks.

Almost tempted to write, "colors not seen in nat...

Back along the east shore of Lake Maitland, towards the Isle of Sicily, where two woodpeckers announced my arrival.

Under the bridge connecting the Isle to Ita, er, Maitland.

Returning across the Lake, where a single bass boat zoomed across. It is not what caused this great blue heron to get all ruffled.

The bass anglers slowed in the canal leading to Lake Minnehaha.

The covered bridge always makes for a good photo.

Into Lake Minehaha, past the limpkin pictured earlier. Scanning the tall pines for bald eagles. Alas, the fifth time out in the new (used) yak was the first without a bald eagle. But, what's this ?

A pelican. The second one I've seen in twenty years on or near the lakesof Winter Park, Maitland, and Orlando. I assumed it was blown in by a cold front that swept in the last two days. I sent an email to the local Audobon folks to report my finding. My assumption was incorrect.

He has been around for a few months> now. Folks have spotten him before but I haven't seen> him yet. Can't figure out why he is still here but> this bird has been at several of the lakes in the WP> chain. Even our lake (Lake Sybelia. Thanks for> the photo.

Lake Sybelia is where I saw my other inland pelican. Many years ago while running.

I wonder if "green eyed jealousy" comes from observation of anhingas in breeding phase.

The covered bridge, on the return paddle.

On the topic of seeing things for the second time, here is the great blue heron, again. Helloooo, ladies.....


Great egret in flight.

It landed, as did I, just before 11.


  1. Hello! I am surfing the web looking for a place to get married in december and i came across your blog. You have a picture of grass with white roman poles. Can you tell me where that is?

    Thanks so much!!!

  2. That is Kraft Gardens - Kraft Azalea Gardens. I believe they allow wedding ceremony's.

  3. Lisa is correct, sorr I missed your question, Adam and Nicole. It is on Alabama Ave, north of Palmer Ave in Winter Park, FL Contact the City of Winter Park for wedding plans.


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