Sunday, May 24, 2009

Econlockhatchee River

Paddled the Econ today, Sunday, May 24, 2009. Recent rain has left the River very high. That's the Flagler Trail bridge, above. See my last visit, in March, for a comparison. For some reason, I can't cut and paste the link.

I've seen the Econ like this once before. October 2005, after Hurricane Wilma. A month before my generous friends and family bought my first camera. Thanks again.

I did a car-bike shuttle, launching from Seminole County Road 419 at 11:20.

Usually, there is dry land at least to the bridge pilings, and usually beyond.

Once in the water, I had some problems finding the main channel, as the Econ extended well into the forest.

I followed the flow where the space between trees was the widest. That seemed to work. I went of course just one more time after much confusion at the beginning.
Water deep in the forest kept wild life sightings at a minimum. Blue and great blue herons, and what you see here.

Wood ducks, red shouldered hawk, and one of the day's two alligators.

I paddled around the Flagler Trail bridge.

Just past the bridge, a bald eagle.

It began to rain as I was photographing the eagle. Became hard, with thunder and lighting. I paddled hard, something I had not planned on doing after a long day on the Myakka, Saturday. Got to Snow Hill Road in 25 minutes. Here is the landing. Usually it is not flat, but has a significant slope. See the March Econlockhatchee Tale for a comparison.

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