Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cedar Lake

A long time ago, in a place far away, I was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin. Steve R. was my roommate, Jeff P. was 2 doors down the hall. Mark K. and Steve O. were across and at the end of the hall. Kevin K., a high school classmate of Jeff's, and Tom M. and Jan D., pals of Steve O. and Mark, visited the dorm and later most of us were roommates at one time or the other.

Several years ago, Jeff began to host an annual get together at his cottage on Cedar Lake, in the southwest corner of Manitowoc County. We sauna, swim, relax on the deck, soak in the jacuzzi, eat a lot, have relaxing pontoon cruises, walk, run, and retell old stories over a beer. Or two.

Friday was beautiful. We saunaed, then jumped in the cold Lake, and repeated. As we cooked, so did a pig shoulder on the Weber. Two things marred the afternoon. The barrel fridge broke, and tasty Hacker Pschor flowed out of the garage. And, Steve O. was unable to join us. Somehow, we muddled through.

Saturday, was not a good weather day. But, we had a good breakfast.

Unlike a few years ago, when the group took a fishing charter out on Lake Michigan ( a year I missed) these salmon were caught at the market.

Jeff, generous dad that he is, has added two kayaks to the family's water toys. I had to try one out. Pelicans, seem to be nine footers.

Steve R. waved bon voyage.

A very short paddle, not even fifteen minutes. No one decided to take out the other yak so I came back in.

Steve, Tom and I walked around the Lake to Hosta's garden and pond.

Tom had already gone for a three mile run. In the time he did that, showered, strolled to Hosta's and back, Mark was almost done with his 11 plus miler.

It began to drizzle as we made our way home, and continued all day. That did not stop Jeff and Tom from utilizing the sauna. I considered it, but decided to keep the neighbor's dog busy. Bella is the good looking one in the Lake,

I'm not an domestic animal guy, but this is a good dog. Coming out of the Lake, she'd shake the water off at a distance, then bring me the tennis ball for another toss. I got tired before the dog, and went up to the deck to soak in the jacuzzi for a bit. We never did go out on the pontoon boat, but it did not matter. We are a comfortable group. No pressure to "do" anything. That means dinner was served around 10:30 PM. If you are asking where are the vegetables, I had a pickle on my midday hamburger.

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