Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rock Springs Run

I got a 3 hour fifteen minute kayak trip in this morning, Sunday, June 14, 2009. Five deer, a few more alligators.

I launched from Wekiwa Springs State Park at 8:30. The usual downstream paddle to Rock Springs Run. Tri colored heron on the Wekiva.

Cormorant, Rock Springs Run.

Water levels are high, the sandbar near the confluence is an island, there is no bottom scraping inn the shallows a bit up Run. Could make it hard to see deer, as they can stay deeper in the woods to drink. Not to mention the luxuriant foliage keeps then well covered. So, of course, I saw several. This one, Run right, on the way upstream.

It was past Otter Camp, which had campers, before Indian Mound Campground, unoccupied. Past Indian Mound, I saw two more deer, on my left. One is the lead photo on this Tale. I continued past Big Buck Camp, where it looks like one can paddle up the short cut to the campsite. Speaking of "cut the downed tree downstream of Otter Camp has been removed.

I turned around at 10:15, at the point where the Run changes from open grasses to hammock.

The open areas are what the deer favor. I've seen then in the woods, but see them more often, and for longer periods as they chew on the grass and leaves. Like this one, seen on the

way back down Run. Limpkins aren't plant eaters, preferring snails.

I saw one more deer, a brief tail shot. When I passed Indian Mound, but before reaching Otter Camp, I saw the first paddler since I left the launch area. At Otter, the campers had left, I passed them. I also passed an anhinga and turtle.

Plus a few alligators, and more people as I neared the Wekiva. I landed about noon at a very crowded State Park. A rope line at the rental concession, "Wait Here". On the way out, a line of cars coming in, only having to leave as the parking lots were full. Nothing like a 90 plus degree Sunday to draw a crowd. I'm glad I got an early start.

The day's paddle was short, as I had to catch a plane for LA, and a funeral. The view from my hotel, Monday morning.

Looks like Florida, ocean, palm trees. Until you look south, and see mountains.

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