Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wekiva River

I did something today, Sunday, June 28, 2009, that I had not done for almost a year. Kayaked the Wekiva River, north, upstream of Highway 46. Katies Landing is still closed. Undergoing "improvements" that were not needed. It's been closed since last July. Looking at the Yak Tales archives, last July I was told it would reopen in March. As of now, the Lower Wekiva River home page states it will reopen in the summer of 2009. From what I can see from the water, they must be talking late summer, like September 21.

The old concrete dock is gone. Heavy machinery is visible (not here) on shore. A few months back, I saw concrete slabs and pvc pipes from the road. Future restrooms. The old launch dirt launch ramp is overgrown. What a waste of time and my money as a taxpayer and State Park pass holder. Katies was fine at it was. Access to the Wekiva, and a Port-0-Let. What more do you need?

Back to the beginning. Of my paddle, not time. A large group was at Wilson's Landing, my launch site since the demise of Katies. Great, the bank will be packed. It was, but with empty yaks, as two folks stood guard as the rest shuttled cars to Highbanks Marina on the St Johns. I was off at 9:30. The last time I launched from Wilson's, the wide section of River in the vicinity was covered with algae. Not so today. The rain has cleared the Wekiva. That's my guess.

My float plan was to go up River to check out Katies, then come back, upstream beyond Wilson's for an hour or so, then downstream back to Wilson. After Saturday's Silver/Ocklawaha adventure, I needed to take it easy. My plan was tossed overboard as I saw how beautiful and full of life this section of the Wekiva is.

I found out how much I missed it.

Very few folks on the River. A father and son fishing. Three kayakers, coming upstream. They had launched from Highbanks Marina, on the St Johns. Used the yakdave upstream/downstream method, as I saw them again, on their return. I need to check out Highbanks, as what I did today, downstream, then up, with tired arms after 16 miles the day before, was a challenge. Made it Blackwater Creek, and a bit beyond.

Saw a large boat, 50 hph, decided it was time to turn back. An hour fifty minutes up River. Saw the group that had shuttled from Wilson's to Higbanks at noon. One other boat. One of the Wekiva Haven rentals. No longer a rental, the guy bought it when that launch site closed.

I took a break on the return, returning to Wilson's Landing at 1:45. 4 hours, fifteen minutes after I began. The return trip was made even more difficult by a south wind, Especially tough in the open section form Katies, past the 46 bridge, back to Wilson's. Fortunately, it did die down somewhat just as my paddle was ending.
I also posted a report on the Green Wave Forum. If, like me, you wondered what the heck the orange billed ducks are, look at the comments section.

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.