Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rock Springs Run

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 I was able to get a two hour paddle in on the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run after work. A very pleasant early evening for July in Central Florida. Blue sky, a few clouds, temperature and humidity both in the 80's, I'd guess at 6 pm.

Herons on the Wekiva. Green.

Great blue.

Blue. Teenager. Half way between childhood, all white, and adulthood, all blue.

Rock Springs Run. Ibis and great egret. The same group as the first photo. That was taken on the return paddle.

I considered paddling down the Wekiva today, but I have never seen deer on the Wekiva past the confluence with Rock Springs Run up to Katie's Landing. Not to mention bears. So up Rock Springs Run I went.

Almost out of the first open area, I heard a rustle on my right. A deer, which bounded away. But, a second remained. Almost hidden in the brush. It slowly moved away, I was unable to get a photo. But a least I had seen deer while paddling for the first time since July 3 on the Weeki Wachee.

This photo is just before I turned around, at 7. Just downstream of the spot with several tight turns on the Run.

I slowly drifted down the Run, camera ready. On my right, tall grass was moving in an unnatural fashion. Something had to be there.

This deer did not leap away.

Lots of little gators, I did not see any adults.

This obstacle, near the Wekiva, was not down on Saturday.
Easy to get over thanks to seasonal high water. If it had toppled in later winter, early spring, it would be a problem. Rock Springs Run is ever changing. There has long been a shallow section. Saturday, I saw a possible alternate route, to the right. It has been there, but did not have an upstream opening. It looked like it now did. Paddled up it today, and got through. Upstream of that is a new shallow area, but it is obvious, just go to the right for deeper water.

Back to the lagoon, more herons.

Landed just past 8. Wheeled the yak up the hill, got in on the car. Picked up soda cans that some jerk had left. Can't have have my yak parking area trashed. Drove out, stopped to walk down towards the Spring and a garbage can. Figured I had time for a quick stroll on the Wet to Dry Nature Trail. I have often seen deer where the boardwalk intersects with the main hiking trail at dusk. None today. A raccoon on the boardwalk.

It has been almost 4 years since I last ate at the local bar-b-que joint. I still haven't as I brought my ribs and pulled pork combo from Bubbalou's, home. I have enough left over to bring to work for lunch/dinner tomorrow.

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