Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lake Katherine Farewell

We had to be out of our lovely vacation locale at 9:00 am Saturday. Plenty of time for a few more eagle photos from Pete's kayak. One flew over head as I shoved off. Try to photo it, no battery. Ran up the steps to my room (the ping pong room with air mattress), installed a battery. Paddled south to where the eagle had flown. Did not see it. Across the Lake, on an island, one perched on a familiar roost. I paddled about, hoping for more loons, but did not see any. Loons seemed to be much more active in the afternoon.

A final eagle pic, same eagle as above, before landing for the final time.
I tied the kayak to the top of my Mom's car. The story is much longer than that, but we got it done. Had the traditional last day breakfast at Paul Bunyan's. Our early check out was a good thing, as we were seated as soon as we arrived. After we finished our pancakes, donuts, ham, sausage (two kinds) eggs, biscuits and gravy, milk, juice and coffee, a line stretched deep into the parking lot.

Two final views of the cabin. Jack. Pat and Monica.

For a condensed version of the Lake Katherine visit, see:http://www.clubkayak.com/greenwave/trips.asp?location=209

A bit over 4 hours later, car and kayak arrived safely in my Mom's garage.

Pete stopped by, and we transferred his kayak to his car, then took a walk along the Lakefront. That would be the Lake Michigan lakefront.
I'd never seen a swan on Lake Michigan. We walked to Bradford Beach, where to my surprise, wine and mixed drinks are sold. Not surprisingly, beer. Which we sipped on the upper level of the concession.

Thirst quenched, we crossed the pedestrian bridge over Lincoln Memorial Drive.

Pete, left, having longer arms, took our picture.
The pedestrian span leads to a path that heads north up the bluff to North Avenue.
Headed back to Mom's along Wahl Ave.
The Lion Bridge is still being rebuilt.
Three lighthouse views.

August is the traditional vacation time for Wisconsinites, and expatriate Badgers such as myself, and good friend Steve, in town with Irene after a few days in Door County with all the Rozgas. We met Sat night and visited a few local watering holes.

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