Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lake Maitland and Lake Minnehaha

I got a quick paddle in this morning, Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Launched at Fort Maitland Park just before 9 am. One car and trailer in the parking lot. Paddled east to the Lake Minnehaha Canal, pausing for photos on the way.

Long time Yak Tale's readers should recognize the covered bridge.
A stock shot in every Lake Maitland Lake Minnehaha Tale.

Into Lake Minnehaha, I paddled the lake shore counter clockwise.

I was about half way around when I spotted an otter on a dock. Snapped two photos before it dove in.
This was cool, usually my otter pics are just a head poking out of the water. My astute readers think, there must be more, looks like you saw more than one otter judging from the opening picture.

Paddling past tall shoreline grass, I saw a section moving counter to the wind. A small. thin, dark shape causing the disturbance. Baby gator or snake, I did not see enough of it.

This is the same great egret as three photos above, it had flown across the lake.

A few minutes later, two otters on a dock.

These two did not dive in the water when they saw me. Having a buddy makes them less afraid, perhaps. They were more interested in each other.

The otters out lasted me, staying on the dock after I departed. Both otter docks had common features. Old, dilapidated, greenery all around, no boats tied up. Seems like a perfect otter home. A place to sun, few people and boats coming and going, food and shelter in the flora.

Speaking of boats, I had never seen a moving one on Lake Minnehaha. Which has homes and plenty of boats all the way around. Helps that I only kayak here on weekday mornings. That string ended today. I paddled past a dock and a home/boat owner was cranking up his speedboat. He buzzed around the lake in a few minutes, a journey that took me 30. Bet he did not see any otters.

I wonder if anhingas grow into their feet.
This returning shot of the covered bridge is nicer than the earlier, outgoing look.
Hawk along the canal
Back to Lake Maitland, I paddled away from the launch, along the shore. Just two boats that I could see on the Lake, one from Lake Minnehaha. Did not go to far. To a small bay, then back, on more of a straight line, across the open water. Final photo.

I saw no male wood ducks this morning, rare for this paddle. But the otters more than made up for it. I landed at 10:40. Nice to have such a scenic paddle less than a mile and a half from home

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