Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rock Springs Run

This is not some pale, sickly deer. It's a matter of to many useless functions on my digital camera. Something called "Color Accent" which is next to the Night function. I thought I had it set on Night, due to late afternoon clouds. Clouds which trapped a lot of moisture in the air. Not rain, although there were some violent thunderstorms earlier in the day, but humidity, which kept my glasses fogged. I'm going to claim that's why I had the camera on the wrong setting.

I kayaked after work today, Tuesday, August 18, 2009. Launched from Wekiwa Springs State Park about 5:40 PM. Before I continue, I need to mention something I saw on Sunday's yak, also on Rock Springs Run, but neglected to report in that Tale. A snapping turtle. With a head a big as a softball. I'm not kidding. It was coming out of the Run, on the right bank, as I paddled up stream. Down stream of the big gator. I raised the camera, but the snapper slid back into the water.
Back to today.
If only I had a faster camera, or more talent. This green heron in flight would look pretty good.

Yellow crowned night herons, like this juvenile, do have red eyes.

Same log as Sunday, perhaps the same two little guys.

I saw the deer on the left side of the Run, at 6:30, near the end of the first open section of the Run.
Not deer, but deer, as in two.
These gray deer pics are bugging me. They should be tawny brown. This is just wrong. Like Favre in purple.

I paddled past the spot where I saw the big alligator Sunday. It was not there. Past the big hollow cypress, Otter Camp, almost to Indian Mound Camp. Which I had in sight, it was occupied. The only people I saw on the Run, and River. It was 6:55, time to turn around.

No deer on the down Run paddle. One more alligator. Fairly big, all I saw was the head, as it drifted backward, downstream, watching me for a while before sinking below. Just upstream of the log with the two, now just one, little gator. No pics. The little gator pic is blurry. Here is the last pic of the night, limpkin. It, like the deer, should be brown.

I landed about 8. Wheeled the yak up the hill. Two guys walking by helped me get the yak on the car. Not that I need the help, but it was appreciated. A camping, canoeing family saw my cart and thought that would be a nice thing to have. Their first visit to Wekiwa Springs State Park. I suggested the check out Dave's Yak Tales when they return to civilization. It they are reading this, "Hi".

Before I left the Park, I drove on the Park road, to see what I could see. Saw a buck, maybe a five pointer. Should be a very nice rack come fall.

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