Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rock Springs Run

I saw a bear this morning, September 2, 2009. And a buck, four does, eight alligators, turtles, hard and soft shell, blue, great blue, green, and black crowned night herons. Plus, ibis, limpkins, pileated woodpeckers, great egrets, and butterflies. Not bad for a three hour pre-work paddle on the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run. "Not bad" Who am I kidding? It was AWESOME!

I launched from Wekiwa Springs State Park at 7:40. A gator floated in the open area before the Wekiva narrows. On the river, several green herons and a black crowned night heron. On to Rock Springs Run, which seems to be flowing faster than usual, or is it just me? Came to an area where there are two channels, the one on the right, a bit deeper. I took it, and on my left, between the channels, stood two deer.

I only was able to photo one before a great blue heron rose from the emergent vegetation, squawking, and the deer dashed into the woods.

I continued up Rock Springs Run, paddling a couple feet past a gator head, sinking below at the last moment. I assume a body was attached to the head.

Blue heron.

No campers at the three Run side primitive sites. I turned around a few minutes paddle up Run of the Big Buck site, at 9:10. This alligator was a just upstream of Big Buck. Saw it both times, in a span of a few minutes.

A big one, perhaps the same one I saw August 16. Go to that Tale for a better look, not hidden by lilly pads and grass.

Speaking of hidden, can you see the deer in this photo?

Another pair, again, only one in the frame, on the left bank, up Run of the Indian Mound campsite. The wildlife makes this a great paddle, but the overall scenery ain't to shabby.

Down stream of the Otter campsite the Run has a series of hairpin turns. It was in this section that I saw a bear. On the right side. Standing on the root ball of a toppled tree. I had been scanning for bruins this morning, as a fellow paddler saw a mother and two cubs last week. I saw photos of the cubs on Facebook. The bear I saw was an adult. It moved quickly away before I could react, but I had a good look at it. I looked up, in the trees, for cubs, did not see any. I took this photo of where I saw the bear.
This is the sixth, or maybe the seventh time I've seen a bear, or bears, on Rock Springs Run since 2005. Last time I saw one was July '08. You can see a photo of that one, a mound of fur, it was napping. Go to the July 20o8 archives.

I was having a good morning. A bear ! Four deer. The usual birds, limpkin here, and alligators of all sizes.

With more to come. Just down Run of where I spotted the first two does, stood a magnificent buck.

I've read, and heard people say, "Florida deer are small" Those folks need to go kayaking, in the fall, on Rock Springs Run.

Great blue heron on Rock Springs Run.

Green heron on the Wekiva.

I encountered a brief drizzle, after the buck and before re-entering the Wekiva River. Nothing to dampen my spirits. I saw no people until I was about half way back to the launch from the Wekiva, Rock Springs Run confluence. Only six canoes. I hoped they noticed this gator, on a popular log, just before the open lagoon area.
Another view.
Final photo before landing at 10:40
I considered going home, taking the kayak off the roof and showering, instead of cooling of in Wekiwa Springs, and letting the kayak fill with water from the predicted rain in the parking lot at work. I chose the Spring.

Good choice. It did rain all day, on and off. The biggest storm was my brainstorm of putting the sprayskirt on. Water did get in, through the hole where I would be, but, not as much, I think as if the cockpit had been wide open to the elements for over nine hours.

Programming note. I am thinking of going to the Keys for the Labor Day weekend. I need to make up my mind soon, like later today. It is past midnight, and is now Thursday. If I do, no new Tales until late Monday. Who knows, maybe I'll see my first Key deer.

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