Friday, December 18, 2009

Sanibel Day Three

Nothing like walking out the door of the condo Monday morning and seeing two bald eagles. The downstairs neighbors, said, "we've been here 25 years and usually there's just one"
15 minutes later, I launched the kayak from the causeway under the watchful eye of a great blue heron

I was in San Carlos Bay, paddling west to Woodring Point. The marine forecast called for smooth water. It was not, but the wind and waves were at my back.40 minutes later, I was at the edge of Tarpon Bay, a smaller body of water.

Tarpon Bay is a Slow Speed, no Personal Water Craft Allowed area. An oyster bar, with small mangrove islands, runs across the northeast quadrant of the Bay.

White pelicans with cormorants. Gives some perspective on the size of the pelicans

Spotted two or three dolphins. I entered the Commodore Creek Canoe Trail at 9:30.

This is an easy,marked trail through a mangrove jungle.

I had to be the first boat in, as the birding was great. A gator too.

A few paddlers entered the Trail as I made my way out. Back to the windy Tarpon Bay, now blowing in my face. It died as I was looking at the birds on the islands.

So busy taking pictures, I did not even notice the wind subsiding

Dolphins in Tarpon Bay

Saw a manatee. More heard it,as it surfaced a couple times. The manatee exhale sounds different from a dolphin's.

This arch replaced the drawbridge a couple years ago
I landed at 12:40, a great egret replacing the great blue heron that saw me off.

Stopped at the East End Deli before heading back to the condo. Just as my nephew, Tyler was coming out. Bringing back Cuban sandwiches for the gang at the pool. Great minds think alike. After lunch, a walk on the beach to the fishing pier.

Walking past the condo I was staying in, I made sure to look for eagles.

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