Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lake Norris and Blackwater Creek

Sunday, February 14, 2010. Roses are red. My kayak is too. I'm glad to have it. And not a canoe.

Blackwater Creek
Lake Norris

No vehicles in the grass parking area when I arrived at 10 am. Creek high, up to the edge of the first board. I've seen it over the second, and far below both. A twenty minute paddle up Creek to Lake Norris. I kept flushing two wood ducks.

Lake Norris is known for to main things. Cypress trees ringing the lake, and osprey that nest in them.

Cypress are not the only trees, nor osprey the only animal

Or, the only nesting bird. Note the egret nest. Light, and delicate, fittting for its maker. An osprey, nest, big bulky, for a tough, diving from high for fish, raptor.

It must be the start of ospery nesting season, as a lot onf the nests are unoccupied. I saw one osprey flying with Spanish moss in its talons. Making the budle of sticks a bit more cozy.

From Blackwater Creek, I went left around the shore. Paddling through the cypress trees, out of a light wind.

I paddled for about 90 minutes, turning back at a reedy, cattail filled corner of the Lake.

Saw some cormorants, and one great blue heron, which kept flying away before I could get a picture. I saw it a final time, framed by a tree. This will be a good shot. I must have snapped the pic at the perfect time. It is the first picture of the Tale.

Back up Blackwater Creek. When I got to the launch, a couple was putting a jonboat in. I planned on going further down creek anyway. But I did not get far. Not even to the Lake Norris Road Bridge, as a tree blocked the way. This River below the launch in the Lake Norris Conservation area is not kept clear. You need to got to the Seminole State Forest for the next cleared (sometimes) section of Blackwater Creek as it flows to the Wekiva River.

I landed at 1:15. Got the yak one the car, than took a 2 mile or so walk.

I saw a deer on this trail my first visit. None since. Just horseback riders today. Who, like the couple in the jonboat, failed to sign the Entry Log

I wonder if the hiker from Wisconsin learned about the area on Dave's Yak Tales.

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