Monday, February 1, 2010

Lakes Maitland, Nina, Minnehaha & Rock Springs Run

Computers were down at work, so I had some bonus paddling this morning, February 1, 2010. We were told to stay near a phone, so after a quick tour of the Maitland half of the Winter Park chain, I waited for it to ring. This was the scene when I arrived at Fort Maitland Park at 9:30.

Into Lake Maitland with the cormorants.

Anhingas in a tree along Lake Maitland's shore.
Moorhens, great egret, and coots in Lake Minnehaha.

More coots, another anhinga, wood duck in flight.

I'm not a pet person, but when this pooch sat down and quietly peered at me, I thought, that's nice. Last about a minute as the mutt got up, ran to the dock and started yapping.
Anhinga and flying great blue heron, swimming wood ducks.
It took me a while to figure why a turkey was trying to get in a lawn bag. Not a turkey, a peacock.

Wood ducks, anhinga, great egret.

Wood ducks redux. Or reducks. Obligatory covered bridge photo.

Tri colored heron in Lake Nina spreads wings. Prey thinks its shade, gets to close, becomes dinner.

A good morning for wood ducks.
I saw one other boat during my ninety minute paddle. Rare birds in the parking lot. Robins. I don't see them often.
I called work at 1:30, system still down. At 3:15, I said , I'm going kayaking. Called work, system running. I'm not in a work mood 7 plus hours after my scheduled start. I'll work half a day Saturday and use half a vacation day. Off the Wekiva Springs State Park. In at 3:55, paddled to within sight of Indian Mound Camp, back at 6:10.

It rained almost the entire paddle. Saw three deer. A buck to deep in the brush for a photo. Then two deer, buck maybe two, or buck and doe. Far, rainy, wet glasses. Took a picture, very blurry. Tri colored heron taken early in the paddle.
An unexpected day/night kayak doubleheader.

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