Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rock Springs Run

I did my midweek morning paddle at Wekiwa Springs State Park today, Wednesday, March 10, 2010. For what may have been the first time this calender year, I put sunscreen on my arms. Short sleeves and swim trunks. It was a little cool as I came down the hill at 7:45, but I left the jacket in the car. As on my last several early visits, Tom Turkey was strutting his stuff.

I considered doing my other weekday paddle, the Winter Park Chain, but I would not see any deer there. As you see, I saw deer, and also got nice wood duck photos, something I often get on the WP Chain, but not on the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run. The ducks tend to be more skittish in the wild setting of the River and Run

It must have been cooler than 70 degrees to start as warm water clashing with cool air made fog.

No fog as I paddled up Rock Springs Run. Saw two deer just below the point where the Run splits in two channels. Take the right one.

Two limpkins. A couple, perhaps? It is Spring. (season, as opposed to water from the aquifer coming out of a breach in the limestone underlying the surface)

If these next two are mating, I have a scoop.
I paddled just beyond the Big Buck Camp site, turning back at 9:20. Near the Indian Mound Camp, no bucks, does.

I've seen this pair before, one a bit larger than the other.

This stump, at Otter Camp, was underwater last week

Turtle on the Wekiva. Which was getting crowded on a beautiful morning. 11 canoes and kayaks.I miss the cold weather.

Ibis in the lagoon, just before I landed at 10:50.
This denture model was there too.

A large crowd had gathered at the Park. Spring Break is here. All the more reason to get an early start. Fortunately, no more than eight were in the Springs as I had my swim


  1. Looks worth a visit! I'm hooked on the beautiful blues and greens.

  2. Dang that spring water is beautiful!


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