Sunday, April 11, 2010


After Friday's journey to the Ichetucknee and Silver River, I decided to go to a place where I might see eagles, manatees and dolphins. So, Saturday, April 10, 2010, I headed west to Chassahowitzka. Launched from the Chassahowitzka Campground into the Chassahowitzka River at 10:30.

Headed down River, thinking of padddling up Baird Creek. But, paddlers entered it before me, and liking my privacy, I stayed on the Chas.

A fairly strong wind was at my back as I paddled to Crawford Creek. An area where bald eagles often perch. None today. It was across the River, at Little Gator Creek.

I paddled back across the River and entered Crawford Creek. Usually paddled up Blue Run, as there is a Spring at the beginning of the Run. Swimable, as long as alligators aren't sunning on the bank. But, it must have been low tide as the water level was too low to enter the Run. So, I continued up Crawford Creek.

I had forgotten how beautiful it is. I don't paddle up Crawford past Blue Run because the spring at its source is along side a home with a yapping dog. Any way, didn't make it that far this time, turning back here.
Saw a deer on the way up the Creek, not to far down stream of Blue Run. I rarely see deer on the Chas and its many tributaries, so that was a treat. No photo. Like the deer, this alligator did not pose.

I don't think this is official.

When I came out of the Crawford Creek, I saw there were now two bald eagles on the other side of the Chas. Two far for good pics, and I wasn't going to paddle any father away from my launch site. Not to worry, I soon saw an eagle on my side of the Chas.

The wind, at my back on the way down River, died while I was in Crawford Creek, making the return paddle much easier.

I kept my eyes and ears open for manatees and dolphins, but did not see any as I paddled to Potter Creek.

Blue heron in Potter Creek.

Ruth Springs Run

I returned to the boat launch at the Chassahowitkzka Campground. The first photo is Chassahowitzka Spring, the largest in the area. I paddled across it to the Solution Holes, a series of small, interconnected springs. Great for a swim, but new many people around for my taste. Sol I took a final detour up Crab Creek .

Final photo of the day, 4:40 pm, same log as the first photo taken, 10:27. Same cormorant? I don't know.


  1. Have you ever gone past Crawford Creek to the start of the open Gulf?

  2. I have gone past Crawford Creek many times, but the open Gulf is a long paddle. Closest I've come was in May of 2009-Paddled well past the Dog Island dock, and the Gulf looked to be a mile or so away.

  3. Thanks for the reply. I have made it as far as the blue sign but had to turn back due to a storm. I got caught in the storm which wasn't fun - more lightening than I've ever seen.

    Have you ever explored Stevenson creek? I have not but it looks interesting.


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