Saturday, May 15, 2010

Econlockhatchee River

I kayaked the Econlockhatchee River today, Saturday, May 15, 2010. I worked in the morning, put in at Snowhill Road Bridge just after 1:00 and paddled up River for two hours. The Econ is low, but that means lots of sandy banks.

Up River of the Flagler Trail Bridge, a downed palm blocks the River. The portage was easy on the sandy bank. As usual, not a lot of birds on the Econ. I have to post a vulture to get three pics.

There were 10-12 other paddlers on the River, the bulk in one group. The last guy I saw said, "I'm surprised there aren't more people out" I did not tell him I thought there were a lot of people. I considered going a bit longer than 2 hours, as I had not reached the high point on the left bank, which I was going to use as a turn around point. But, I came to a tangle of branches from toppled trees. I could have forced my way through, but looking at my watch, it was just past 3:00, so I turned back. The eagle nest was empty on the paddle up River, and remained so on the way back. No eagles today. Three alligators. The second and third pic are the same reptile.

I moved at a turtle's pace on the return paddle, returning to Snowhill Road after 5:00.

Approaching the Flager Trail Bridge. I had to reach to touch it with my paddle. I've seen the River when the water reached the bottom of the bridge. This was my fifth day on the water this week. Not bad with a full time job. Thinking Alexander Creek tommorrow.

Forgot to mention. Saw a swallowtail kite. Seeing the white head, first thought was eagle. And a deer. Small one, just a glimpse as it went deeper into the Forest. Caps as I was paddling in the Little-Big Econ State Forest.


  1. Where's a good spot to drop in to the Econ? And how do you get there?

  2. This paddle was out and back from the Snowhill Road Bridge. Usually I put in at the Seminole County Road 419 Bridge and do a car/bike shuttle.
    From the 417 toll. Exit Mitchell Hammock Rd, east to Lockwood Blvd (Mitchell Hammock dead ends at Lockwood) left, right at light, County Rd 419 to bridge, cross bridge, left to small parking lot.
    For Snowhill Road, head east a couple miles on 419, left on Snowhill, north a mile or so to the bridge.
    TFB, the State Greenways and Trails site has good info on put ins and directions. ALmost as good as DYT. I have a link to it.


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