Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rock Springs Run

I worked until noon today, Tuesday, May 4, 2010. I considered going to Juniper Creek. I could have got there at 2, paddle hard up stream, swim in the Spring, and get back about sunset. But, if I had to walk for the launch/landing area at the Juniper Springs Recreation to the gate to pay, that would make getting back before dark tough. Not to mention, I'd be getting home about now, 10:00 pm. Maybe I'll do Juniper in June or July, when it will be light even longer. On the other hand, why even bother, when Rock Springs Run is so close?

When I arrived at Wekiwa Springs State Park, I thought I made the wrong choice. A pile of paddles and PFDs lay at the top of the hill leading to the launch area. Two vans with trailers. I asked a gentleman who seemed to be watching the equipment if they were coming or going. "Going" Where, Weikva or Rock Springs Run? "Rock Springs Run, they'll be here in about half an hour and we'll go out for two hours." Ok, I'd be out before they launched, and as I was thinking of paddling up the Run for three hours, they'd be long gone when I turned around. I'm glad I arrived when I did. There had to be at least 30 kayaks, not the State Park rentals, lined up at the launch area. Having to pass such an armada on the narrow Rock Springs Run would have been a pain in the butt. As it was, there were a few paddlers on the Wekiva as I headed to Rock Springs Run. Saw some green herons, but no pics. On Rock Springs Run I saw maybe 4 boats by the time I got to the sandbar, then nothing until a guy coming down Run in a Park rental yak, just before Otter Camp.

As it will be until late October, it was hot.

Good grazing weather.

The deer was towards the end of the second open area, up Run of Big Buck Camp. I continued into the shaded part of the Run, that and some cloud cover kept the temps relatively comfortable, I'd guess mid eighties.

The pic above is where I turned around, time stamp is 4:07. I wonder what happened to these guys.
I say guys because I don't think gals these days smoke Camels. Empty pack and some butts, two paddles, two life jackets, some water in the canoe, wet t shirts. It was not these guys.http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/os-wekiva-canoe-accident-drowning-20100501,0,5583333.story That was in the Wekiva, it seems like they rented from Wekiva Falls. Moral. Wear your life jacket if you can't swim, are drinking, and stand in the canoe to pee.

Mosquito bites? Look at the ears.

I think this is a different deer from the one I saw earlier.

The deer was content to munch as I took pictures. A few minutes later, a guy who had gone up the Run, the only person I saw on the down Run paddle, now he was coming back, asked if I saw it. One hungry deer.

The other paddler passed as I was picking a canoe paddle out of the water. If it were a kayak paddle, I might have kept it. Green with "Downes" written on the blade. If Mr. Downes is reading this, I left at the shack at the launch area.

I landed at 7:40. Saw this turkey as I loaded the yak.

To late for a swim, I took a stroll on the Wet to Dry Nature Trail, extended the walk in the parking area. You are supposed to be off the trails after sunset. Even with an after hours pass. Which reminded me I forgot to ask for the new gate combination on the way in. The Park was closed when I left, on the way out, the gate opens automatically.

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