Saturday, June 12, 2010

Coupon Bight, Big Pine Key

Saturday, June 12, 2010. Wedding day for Camila and Evan. Event starting at 5:30, so plenty of time to kayak. I had a muffin, coffee and OJ in the lobby, the free breakfast, grabbed a second muffin for the road and headed to the north end of Big Pine Key, mile marker 32, right on Long Beach Road to were it ends 25 yards or so from the Atlantic

I was in the water about ten. Unlike when I stopped by on Friday, high tide, no problem getting going. I paddled north, along the shore, having seen Key deer here in the past. None, yet. Then back past the launch site, south, past the channel.

Cormorants, great white heron and great egrets. Paddled to, and through the channel .

I did not know horseshoe crabs did the backstroke. I turned it over, it went right back to its back.

Into Coupon Bight.

A small shark darted past the kayak in the sponge filled shallows. I paddled through the mangroves, around a couple small islands.

Back into deeper water.

Returned to the channel and back into the Atlantic side. Great egret flew from perch to perch

Once again, I paddled along the shore, looking for Key deer. Found one.

This made five times in five visits to Coupon Bight that I've seen Key deer. With the best yet to come. At my launch site, three deer, including a fawn.

I sat in the kayak a few feet away. I stood up, dragged the yak on shore, and the trio remained. They had picked a shady spot and weren't going to give it up.

Mother, I assume, and child left. The other adult stayed longer, not wanting to get up from the cooler ground, content to chew its cud.

Eventually he, and I say he as I think I see the very nubs of new antlers, stood, stretched the legs that had been folded underneath him, and walked away

At the car, another deer.

I bet its been feed by humans. It was time for this human to be fed. I decided to take advantage of my suite and get some stuff for the fridge. Ham, cheese, Cuban bread, grapes, and Modelo beer at Publix. Back to the hotel for lunch and download the morning's photos. It was now about 3 PM. The Travelodge is about 3 miles from where Pat was staying. About the same from where Chris, Anne, Becky, Clare, Aidan and Anna were at. Not knowing where the Santa Maria was, and figuring the large crowd at the Laird Street digs meant someone had to be there, I drove to the latter. Not enough time to bike, bike back, shower and get to the Dream Catcher on time. I was correct. Karen and Katie Bennett were at Laird Street. Eventualy, Pat, Mike, Derek, Tyler, Ben, Meagan and Jack returned on their rental bikes. From ReCycle, of course. Evan's shop. A link to the shop is in the right column. Contact them when you need a bike in Key West. They deliver.

Back to the Travelodge to change and head to the Oceanside Marina on Stock Island. Where the Dream Catcher is berthed. The 70 foot schooner, built and captained by Camila's dad, John Duke. Evan's parents were married at my parent's home. As much as I love our old family home, getting married on a boat is a step up.

Evan's family and friends waited near the boat for Camila's family and friends to promenade to the boat.

Here comes the bride.

The sounding of the conch hearlds Dream Catcher's departure from the dock.

Safety guidlines prevented everyone from being aboard the Dream Catcher. So Evan and Arlo's boat carried more celebrants.
About to tie the knot.
Smiles all around.
Sailng scences (actualy,under engine power)

Sister-in-law Anne saw a dolphin. I missed it. We both saw a magnificent frigate bird soaring overhead.

This could be when the minister asked Evan if he had the ring. "No" Natalia, Camila's sister had it.
Ring in hand, the ceremony continued.

The best part of the ceremony? Perhaps Dr. Seuss.

As you can see from the photos, the weather cooperated. Lots of thunder before we went out, heavy rain later in the evening. The group aboard Lil' Raskell was able to board for the ceremony.

Post ceremony champagne, little sandwiches, and shrimp as Captain John took us to port.

We returned to shore at 7.
Signing the license.

Impressive seamanship, turning and backing a 70 boat into a narrow slip.

The reception was at El Meson De Pepe. Took me a while to find a parking space, as the sunset crowd was at Mallory Square. Found a spot, loaded a meter wtih all the change I had, and stood on a corner looking at at a map to figure out where I was. "Hey Haskell !" Camila's dad. I got a lift to the reception.

The location is a cool old brick building full of Cuban artifacts including the first plane, or perhaps a replica, to fly from Havana to Key West. I told my Mom, Dad is here.

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The tables all had an apetizer plate of chips-plantains? with shrimp and peppers. Then, doing the second most important thing he did all day, Evan led the buffet line.

Chicken, beans and rice, Cuban bread, yucca, salad, plantains, pork. A great meal. A desert table with at least 4 deserts. I stopped at two. Which also was the number of bands. First, a classic rock/Motown group, then a salsa band.


Evan with his Mom and Grammy.

A good time was had by all.

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