Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Orlando Wetlands Park

If your are expecting the usual mid-week kayaking Tale, wait until tomorrow. The yak is on the roof for a after work paddle. I failed to schedule a late day at work this week, so no morning paddle. Today, Wednesday, June 30, 2010, after work, I took the bike to Orlando Wetlands Park.

It took an hour to get to the Park in rush hour traffic, but the drive was worth it

I shared the berms around the man-made wet land with 2 joggers and a deer. The deer, off the berm, ran off before I could get a photo.

The weather wasn't to bad at 7 pm. Of course, my shirt was soaked with sweat after a 7 mile ride.

I saw green herons, blue herons, black crowned night herons, great blue herons, great egrets, cattle egrets, moorhens, anhingas, red shouldered hawks, ibis, black bellied whistling ducks, vultures, and an alligator. I did not see the crested caracara until the very end. I had been looking in the wrong place. A park worker told me where to to look.

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