Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rock Springs Run

I wasn't going to kayak this morning, Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Had thoughts of cutting the lawn and reviewing a new health insurance policy before going to work at 12:30. But, when I woke up at 7:10, I thought, I won't fall back asleep, I'll be thinking of work, and kayaking, mostly kayaking, and its been a long time since I've done a weekday morning paddle on Rock Springs Run. So out of bed I rose and entered Wekiwa Springs State Park shortly before it opened at 8:00 am. I had not done a weekday morning paddle since May. Back in the winter and early spring, it seemed I always saw a Tom turkey and his hens. Here are the kids.
Lots of turkeys out this morning.
In the water at 8:15

Green heron, anhingas and tri colored herons in the lagoon before the Wekiva River narrows.

The hydrilla reaches into the Wekiva, despite efforts to control it. Reason for the yellow boom the green heron is on. All the way to the gator log. Which was empty this morning.

The exotics ended, the Wekiva is very clear for this time of year, lack of rain, so the spring is providing much, if not most, of the water. Rock Springs Run, reached in about 15 minutes, is even clearer.
You may know I often see deer on Rock Springs Run. It's rare that I don't see some. I don't think I've ever seen two bucks so close together.

I doubt they'll be so friendly in 6-8 weeks when the velvet comes off the antlers and the hormones kick in.

It seemed liked I spent several minutes taking pictures before the pair ambled away into the woods. The time stamp on the first photo is 8:53, the last, 8:56. Time slows in the moment.

I paddled to the Indian Mound Camp site, which was occupied. It was 9:40, time to turn around.

As I drifted downstream, I thought, I have enough pretty Rock Springs Run photos.

On the other hand, there's no such thing as too much of a good thing.

A doe, not too far from where the bucks were. I saw three deer this morning, got quality photos of all of them.

Saw a few gators, all small. I think I ran over a one footer, it shot out under the yak in a big hurry.

Saw 6 paddlers as I got close to Wekiwa Springs State Park.

Gators in the hydrilla in the lagoon just outside Wekiwa Spring.

And tri colored herons.

I landed just before 11. A large weekday summer crowd already at the Spring. And I'm not talking about the minnows.

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