Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rock Springs Run

Took the repaired camera to Wekiwa Springs State Park this morning, Wednesday, August 18, 2010. Woke up at 7:05, in the water at 8:05. As they have been recently, a couple tri colored herons in the lagoon.

Green heron too, that pic did not turn out. Paddled down the Wekiva River to Rock Springs Run. Bring your sunglasses if you plan on paddling at 8 am in late August. The morning sun was right in my eyes. That changed as I made the turn up Rock Springs Run. The great blue heron is the only animal photo on the up Run paddle. There were more, ibis mostly, but time was limited so I did not want to pause paddling unless I saw something really interesting. Like a deer. As I came to the first sharp turn, back paddling against the current, I thought, I'm noisy in this spot, but not this noisy. Oh, a buck is running across the Run behind me, adding to the churning water. I don't think it was one of the pair I've seen twice recently, this one's antlers were like two forward facing scimitars.
I paddled past Indian Mound, not quite to the old tram crossing, turning back at 9:35.

On may way down the Run, I encountered two intrepid paddlers further upstream than usual for a weekday morning. First a kayaker, then a canoer.

A few more paddlers on the Wekiva. I landed at 10:50.

Took a cooling swim in the already crowded Spring. The start of the school year can't get here fast enough.

I almost walked into this great egret as I walked to my car, before it stepped aside. It had been in the Park when I arrived.


  1. I think I know the sharp turn area you are mentioning. It is like a Z? If yes that is the farthest I have gone in The Run. Nice pics. Are the booms still there?

  2. DK, its the first of about 3 sharp turns in the first marshy area. As your trips get longer, and you paddle beyond the turns, you will have a better chance of seeing those elusive deer.

    FB, thanks.

  3. The booms are still there, and from the amont of hydrilla, will be there well into the fall. When the weeds behind the boom dies, watch for them to be moved across the lagoon to do weed control on that side.


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