Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blue Spring State Park

I visited Blue Springs State Park on Saturday, September 25, 2010. Accompanied by three special guest paddlers.
Peter, Medora, and Beth K. Friends from the Milwaukee area, who wanted an afternoon away from the Mouse. As we all were occupied in the morning, I had to decide were to take these explorers in the afternoon. My first thought for visitors is Wekiwa Springs State Park, but that gets too crowded on Saturday afternoon. Blue Springs State Park, a twenty minute longer drive, has more room to get away from the masses, and justAdd Image one place renting kayaks and canoes, the Park, as opposed to two at Wekiwa Springs. Three, if you add Kings Landing to Wekiwa Springs State Park and Wekiva Island.

From the comments my companions made as we paddled up Blue Springs Run. "It's so clear !" Look at all the fish!" " A turtle. " I think I made the right decision.

Great egret, anhinga, great blue heron.

We had a leisurely 2 hour paddle. Up the Spring Run to the swim dock, then down and into the St Johns River. Across the St Johns to the area on the less traveled side the island across from the French Avenue ramp. Then, staying inside the island, back up the St Johns, towards the first canal, turning back at Snake Creek. A brief look at the lagoon, before landing at 4:30, when the rentals were due back. I was hoping for a manatee, no luck. We did see one alligator. Beth has more, and better, alligator pics. I will have to finish the Tale tomorrow. Actually today, as it is 1:30 am. My friends were in town because one of Peter's sisters is the out going President of an organization I won't mention. I'll just say, they throw a nice party.

Sunday evening. I'm back from the Canaveral National Seashore and ready to finish Saturday's Tale. Nice to have dedicated readers. Three comments before the Tale was complete.

We walked on the boardwalk along the Spring Run to the Spring, then got in at the Diver Entrance. I did not swim to the Spring, as I was the only one with flippers. That didn't stop Peter. Which explains why I did not see him until we all arrived at the swim dock.

My companions all borrowed my mask and snorkel to get a chance to see the underwater world. Remember, when you come to Florida, bring your snorkel gear.


  1. I am only saying that your secret parking spot it is not a secret anymore!!!!! Thought I recognize you but was not sure unitl saw your vehicle in the parking lot.

  2. Dave - Why were your guests not wearing PFDs in the photos... or not wearing them correctly? I read of too many preventable drownings on our lakes and rivers each year because of folks who chose not to wear PFDs.

  3. Hi Dave, I've been reading your blog regularly for a couple of months now. I get inspiration and ideas for destinations now that my family has started paddling. This entry was a nice surprise since you were right around the corner from where we live. I've heard it's hard to be a tourist in your own backyard, but I don't think the person that said that has ever lived here. Thanks for another great tale!

  4. DK, "my" parking spot was taken, but the one I was in is a pretty good alternative. A few more steps from the River, but shaded.

    Mike, I'm not the PFD police. All I can do is suggest and set an example.

    Paula, around the corner? Look both ways when crossing the bike trail.

  5. How was Canaveral today? I paddled in Haulover Canal Friday and it was bad. Really windy. Got a few nice pics of pelicans, rossettes and ospreys but that was it. No dolphins and no manatees. The Canal spoiled me already. Lesson learned, in a windy day go somewhere else.

  6. DK, read my Canaveral Tale, and be the judge, but I'd say I had a pretty good day. Despite the wind. If you stay in the Canal, Haulover Canal is a good choice on a windy day. But who wants to stay in the Canal? It will get windier as we head into winter, making inland paddles on tree lined waterways a better bet. Rock Springs Run is great in the wind. So long as a tree does't fall on you.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.