Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

Got a two hour paddle in this morning, Wednesday, September 1, 2010. Launched from Fort Maitland Park at 8:45.

Paddled east along the north shore of Lake Maitland, then across to Dog Island.

I circled the island, not seeing anything at first, but then, on the back side, an anhinga in a tree and a tri colored heron and moorhen in the grass.

Then back across, not across as in all the way across big Lake Maitland, just from Dog Island to the canal to Lake Minnehaha.

A windy morning, so it was good to get in the canal.

Into Lake Minnehaha where 3 otters groomed each other. Two went in the water, the other was so relaxed from his massage he stayed for a while.

Back to birds, anhingas, wood ducks, and great egret.

One third of the way around the lake, more otters.

Back to birds.


I was the only person on the water.

Back into the canal, under the covered bridge.

Detour out of the canal to Lake Nina.

Out of the canal, back to Lake Maitland.

In addition to the great blue heron, tri colored herons, the blue ones are adults, the ones with more red are juveniles, great egrets, ibis, wood ducks, anhingas, moorhens, coots and otters shown, I saw osprey, green herons, belted king fishers, red winged blackbirds, and turtles.

Programing note. I'm going to Cedar Key for the Labor Day Weekend. Plus Tuesday. No internet at my accommodations, so you'll have to hold on until Tuesday night for your weekend Yak Tales fix.

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