Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rock Springs Run

I wanted to get an early start this morning, Saturday, September 11, 2010. But, last night, just as I was ready to go to bed, the computer got sick. Dumb me did not renew the anti-virus software that came with the computer. So I was up to midnight trying to fix it myself. No such luck. Took it to Office Depot after the morning paddle on the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run. Its fixed, and I have a year of anti-virus. Which I will renew next year.

There was a line of vehicles waiting for Wekiwa State Springs to open when I arrived. Nice to be able to bypass them and enter early. Not to early, I'm not sure if I opened the gate or the ranger did. It was 8:00 am. I almost thought of leaving, then thought, "none of the cars had a kayak on the roof". I was on the water at 8:15.

Down the Wekiva to Rock Springs Run.

I was happy to see a pair of limpkins on the Run. They've been missing for a while.


Happy to get a pic of an elusive belted kingfisher. The black crowned night heron was one of four. I'm not sure I've seen even on before on Rock Springs Run. I turned back at 10:15.

A few minutes into the shaded section upstream of the Big Buck campsite. Decided to make it a short day so I could get the computer fixed. Mission accomplished. Plus, it was going to be a very hot afternoon, and I could see the end of the Badger game.

Took a short break at Big Buck. Did not see any. Or does.

Had the Run to myself for more than 3 hours. Saw an otter, swimming underwater, on the Wekiva.

The only gator of the day has in the algae and hydrilla, above. Two guys were casting into the green goo, the gator went after a fish on the line, tail flying out of the water. Two more dickheads were fishing inside the barrier. Their canoe can be seen in the above pic. "Hey green shirt, the barrier is there for a reason!" Reason being, to keep herbicide from getting down stream. Breach the barrier, it gets out. Seeing the error of their ways, they paddled out.

This was my first time on Rock Springs Run since August 18. On that day, a fellow paddler began a campaign to ban disposables on the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run. I've spread the word on the Green Wave Forum. No one has commented about it there, hopefully their time was spent contacting the parties that can implement a disposables ban. Or at least, enforce the no alcohol rule. Please add your voice to this effort.


  1. Nice that you saw an otter on Wekiva. I got quick glimpses of two last week on RSR, not far from the confluence with the river.
    I don't believe I've ever seen a black crowned night heron on the creek.
    I'm told the Aquatic Preserve folks are doing a litter survey, so I'm not picking up trash at this time.

  2. Dave, might it be time to get a Mac??? You're computer won't get sick again.

  3. Dave, might it be time to get a Mac??? You're computer won't get sick again.

  4. Joanne, I don't think I've seen a black crowned night heron either. To see four was a surprise. Up Rin of Big Buck, right side.

    FBlogger, how good can mac be?
    FBlogger, how good can mac be? :)


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