Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rock Springs Run

I don't know don't much about photography, but I think catching drool from a deer is a pretty good pic. Went to Wekiwa Springs State Park today, Sunday, October 3, 2010. A place close to home was the best option after Saturday's all day adventure at Myakka River State Park. And, I needed to get the gate code for October. I launched at 9:35. Would have got out a few minutes earlier, but some renters were inquiring about my yak and wheels.

This green heron is the only pic on from the launch, down the Wekiva, to Rock Springs Run. I saw an otter, failed to capture it. On the camera.

The deer in the opening picture was just below Indian Mound Camp. A pair, mom (I assume) and a yearling.

A kayaker was at Indian Mound. I asked if he was camping or taking a break. "Taking a break, I launched from the same place you did, the Marina" I told him I launched at the Park. I almost was camping this weekend. But, when I called the Park around 6 PM Friday, no one was answering the phone. All three campsites were empty.

Another deer, walking along the bank up Run of Big Buck.

The does were very calm today. That may change in a few week as the bucks go into rut. I paddled to the end of the open area up Run of Big Buck, turning back at 11:30.

The guy I saw at Indian Mound passed by, said he was going all the way up the Run. Wonder if he made it.

A beautiful day. The weather has cooled the past week. Highs in the mid 80's, high 60's at night. When I arrived at the Park I told the gate attendant I saw a sign of fall. The line of orange cones, in anticipation of overflow summer crowds, was nowhere to be seen.

10 boats on the Run, until almost back to the Wekiva. One gang of criminals in a jon boat with an electric motor. A few more kayaks and canoes near, and on, the Wekiva. Nothing like a summer Sunday.

As you can see, the hydrilla still covers much of the lagoon. The only gator I saw of the day was in the green soup.

After getting the kayak on the car, I got the bike off. A combo ride, Park road, and a little of the bike trail. More road, because the trail, for lack of a better word, sucks.

Too much sand. Fine for gopher tortoises, not good for bikes. The first tortoise was on the side of the road. These yellow plants also were taken from the road.

In addition to the grasshopper, a deer crossed the road. Thought I'd get a picture, but a car came by, and the deer dashed into the woods. No dashing for these turkeys.

A 6.18 mile ride. Followed by a snorkel in Wekiwa Spring.

For a Sunday, it wasn't too crowded.

Perhaps folks are watching football. As I could have, but decied not to stop on the way home to catch the last 2 minutes of the Packer win over Detroit.


  1. Nice deer picture. I hope you told her to stay on the safe side of the run....

  2. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. It is my plan to paddle The Run this Friday, but from King's Landing. Want to give my wife an easy and scenic paddle.

  3. Just a suggestion- maybe try deleting all the spaces between your photos before publishing your post? It would just make it easier to scroll through and read your blog.

  4. Joannne, all three deer will have to ford the Run.

    Octohawk, I'm constantly deleting the spaces as I compose, and they keep on reappearing.

  5. Thanks for the weekend trip, but I want you to know, I'm totally exhausted. :)

  6. Try using the updated posting under settings. That's what I do and it works fine.

  7. Dave,outstanding pics. Loved the closeup on the deer.


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