Monday, November 1, 2010

Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run

I kayaked 4.5 hours on the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run today, Monday, November 1 , 2010.  Took the afternoon off to see the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery. Which has been postponed until Wednesday. I'll work Saturday morning to make up the time.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, its nice to have the Wekiva and Rock Springs Run as a backup.

Launched from Wekiwa Springs State Park. just before 2.

I did something I had not done for a year.  Paddled down the Wekiva River, past Wekiva Island, past the Indian Mound, to the Buffalo Tram campsite.  Last time I did that, I stayed overnight
This afternoon, there seemed to be more people on the Wekiva than there were early Sunday afternoon as I finished my paddle.  But, once I got past Wekiva Island.  I saw only four more boats. One of those boats can be barely seen, above.  Two guys, in a motor boat, fishing off the large Indian mound.  All other craft were canoes and kayaks.
Green heron

Black crowned night heron

I had forgotten how wide the Wekiva River is.  The part I usually paddle, from the Park, just downstream of the Wekiwa Spring, technically is Weikva Run.  It becomes the Wekiva River when Rock Springs Run joins it.



Blue heron

The blue heron (juvenile) was at my destination, the Buffalo Tram Campsite.  Last year, when I camped, there were no benches at the site.  None were there the only time I've been there since, in March, coming down River from Katie's Landing.  New benches were put in at Indian Mound camp, on  Rock Springs Run, I've been wondering if the same has been done at Buffalo Tram.

No more sitting on a log if I camp here again.  I reached the campsite at 3:10, after the photo, I began the up River paddle.

Red maple

More Wekiva panorama.

The next photo is a boat registration number on a" houseboat", just down River from Wekiva Island.  It has been here over  a year, no motor , no current decal.  Wonder who owns this thing,  Wekiva Island, maybe? and why it is on the River.

Paddled past the noisy Wekiva Island, can't the yahoos enjoy the river without loud music?, to Rock Springs Run.

I paddled up Run for just under and hour, turning back here.
After three kayaking days in a row, it was good to drift down the Run.

Speaking of run, this deer did not.

I saw one other deer, just rump and tail going into the woods.  No bucks on the Run today.

Tiger swallowtail

Back to Wekiwa Springs State Park at 6:30

After getting the kayak on the car, there was just enough light for a drive to Sand Lake.  Saw this buck on the way.
No deer seen in the open area near Sand Lake. I walked from the parking lot to behind the restroom.  Two deer on the drive out, in the dark.


  1. Beautiful bucks in your last post. And as for this one, ugh.. Wekiva Island may be my least favorite place. Not a fan of their new refurbishing at all.

  2. Octohawk, I'm with you. I never paddle down the Wekiva any more. It is just too depressing.


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