Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

35 degrees when I woke up this morning, so I stayed under the covers for a while.  Got out of bed, wasted time looking for gloves I did not wear, and was on my way from Fort Maitland Park at 9:05.

As usual, plenty of anhingas.

I did the usual paddle into the canal, Lake Nina, and on to Lake Minnehaha.

It was cool, but I think it is warmer on the water than off.  I wore a light long sleeve, shirt, a short sleeve over that, and a windbreaker.  Nylon pants, socks and tennies.  I wonder if this barred owl was in the boat house due to the cold.
More Minnehaha avain life.

Bird of the morning.
Not the anhinga

To bad the eagle tree was far from the water.  I wondered if I could get a better view from the dead end canal off the main canal.  No.

I've been getting more belted kingfishers photos lately.  Not more kingfishers, just able to catch the brief moments they are still.

The ibis had to move aside to let me land at 10:45.  Saw a few wood ducks, no pics.  No otters today, but the barred owl close up and bald eagle more than compensate.

I'm off to Sanibel for the annual family gathering.  Sat thru Tues for me.  The Sanibel Arms says it has internet access, so I may be able to post some Tales from the road.

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