Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

I was able to launch the yak at Fort Maitland Park this morning, December 22, 2010 for a two hour paddle before my late day at work.

Some different ducks from the usual mallards and wood ducks seen on Lake Maitland.  Blue winged teal?

I think the recent cold weather has added to the colors.  All of a sudden the cypress trees have turned orange.  It was a bit cool at the start, I had a windbreaker and long pants, but this afternoon, while I worked, it felt warmer then it has in two weeks.

Familiar wood ducks.

 I think those are leaves falling above the anhinga.

Once I was through the canal and Lake Nina, I paddled counterclockwise around the rim of Lake Minnehaha.
 Coot white beak, moorhen, red beak.  Coots are more crotchety. At least the old coots.

The clear winter sky helps my photography.  Lately it's been grey, I prefer this.

Lake Nina and the canal were jammed.  4 boats.  More than I've seen before on a weekday morning.

Back on Lake Maitland, an otter swam.  It stayed underwater when I got close.  Perhaps, I'd see it later, on land, or a dock.

The wind was at my back as I paddled east.

Turned around, here.

Not sure if this is the same otter, but the one I saw did have a long swim, so laying on the dock was just the thing to do.

A kayaker at the edge of the dock snapping pictures didn't phase this guy.

I landed, to the right of this turtle, just after eleven.

An early Merry Christmas to my readers.  Three day weekend. I will of course, be paddling all three days. Not sure yet where I'll go. Leaning to staying home and doing day trips.  Just sent an email for a Seminole State Forest permit, so I'll have that as an option.  Just kayaking and biking, not camping this year.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you as well Dave, and to everybody reading Dave's Yak Tales!!!!!!!


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